i heard about that site from friends, u watch videos and get money (fake points) then when u reach about 50000 u can get a xbox260 for free and theres lots more items,is it a scam like those free ipods??? and the site deals with referls 2,i think its fake but i just wanna prove it to a dumb friend
yes, it's a scam. it's all scams. if something ever even slightly seem unrealistic or like a scam, it *is* a scam. ^.^
well im not so sure about that Aus ^_~ I'm actually a use of Gametrailers.com and i haven't seen anything wrong or suspicious about that deal. to get points, all you do is wach movies and post in the forums (theres no money or payments needed to get the points). then when you get the asked amount of point you just give them your delivering info and they send you the item (as far as i know, theres no where in the deal that asks you for your billing info. if it does then it is a scam). my friend actually has a friend that got an Xbox 360 off gametrialers.com