I cannot use my left hand very well. Normally for gaming I use a joystick. But a lot of games do not work well with joysticks. I know they make one-handed keyboards, can anybody recommend a good one of those or any other input device that someone who cannot use their left hand well, can use? Is there anything you can control with just your right hand or possibly maybe even a hands-free control? Thanks
Have a read of this. I don't know if anything commercial exists, but it's worth a look. http://benheck.com/Games/Xbox360/controls/1hand/singlehandcontroller.htm
thanks i had seen that. it was not commercialised but they went with this controller insted. http://edimensional.com/product_info.php?cPath=24&products_id=143 it sounds interesting but i dont think it will function that well. Has anyone got any advice on this (brain wave controller) theO CZ OCZMSNIA NIA - Neural Impulse Actuator http://edimensional.com/product_info.php?cPath=24&products_id=143 http://www.2cooltek.com/ocz-neural-impulse-actuator-oczmsnia-actuator-oczmsnia-new-oczmsnia.html
I'm not sure to be honest, it's certainly an intriguing concept. Taken from: http://www.overclock3d.net/reviews.php?/input_devices/ocz_neural_impulse_actuator_nia_-_the_log/1