Hi there, i downloaded a mixed cd (legally of coures) but it arrived on my pc as individual tracks. Its a dance music compilation and these sort of mixes are usually non stop music from start too finish. I tried burning with nero and ticking the box where it says "burn without gaps" but still you can here the skip when the track changes (its so annoying) Is there a way of getting an absolute gapless recording? Thanks for reading and any response.
i had a cd-player that did something like that, it was just cheap and naturally just slow at going to the next song. try playing it on a different cd player to see if that helps anything
Its not the cd player. I was just wondering if there was a programme that was available too put single tracks together with the final outcome of having no gaps?
*edit* ok i think i understand what you want now from re-reading over your post. you want to put all the songs onto 1 big long track, thus having absolute no gaps at all. just get goldwave from mhere http://www.goldwave.com/release.php then in goldwave click on Tool -> File Merger and then click "Add Files" and then add all the songs you want on the cd and then of course press Merge and then you save it as whatever music file type you want it to be and WAHLA! 1 big long track with no gaps, it sucks big time trying to find a song you wanna hear though.