After hundreds of successful burns, here is a problem I've never encountered before. Hopefully, someone can shed some light on this. I downloaded 2 parts of the same video (avi) and both parts played fine on my pc, then I converted the audio to wav and encoded each part in MainConcept. The resulting mpg files played fine on my pc. I next merged the 2 mpg's in TMPGEnc Plus and that file played fine on my pc. Then, entered it into Ulead MovieFactory 3.5 where a preview played fine. After burning to TDK media at 4x, the video was great but the audio was useless (spoken and musical) on my standalone. Thinking it was a media issue, I burned to a Ridata DVD at 4x with not much better audio. I have also tried a Taiyo Yuden at 4x but it was no better either. Thanks for any help.
Just to add. Don't know if it will help; can't make sense of it myself. All 3 dvd's will play on my pc if I use WMP or Ulead DVD Player but not if I use Nero Showtime which is my default player and why I didn't find this out before. I'll try burning with Nero tomorrow and see what happens and if that helps.
I encoded the files with Nero and Nero Showtime will play the DVD on my pc fine as will any other players but the audio on my standalone is shot. Strange