Hey guys tring to connect my pc to my tv using a dvi cable but black screen only. can someone please help???
Do I have to switch anything in my display options on my pc to use the dvi out. Cause I tried but there are no options?
I wouldn't think so because on mine I use the DVI port for my monitor and then when I connect it to my TV insted for movies and things it shows up just like my monitor would. The only difference is that I have to change the resolution becuase my TV can't support as high of resolutions as my monitor.
Alright, that should work, and if it doesn't let my know and I'll try to tell you some other things to try.
what GFX chip do you have in the PC (ATI / nVidia / Intel)? I normally use nVidia and I kno they require you to actually enable the DVI port thru the control panel. also by resolution Spenman01 meant change it to something low like 640x480 or 800x600 (most TVs sets have a native resolution of 720x576)
Yea, sorry I didn't clarify that. But yea I've had to enable my S video port, but I don't recall having to enable DVI. But maybe you do, it's been a while since I've done it.
Well guys, Thanks alot but I fillaly whipped out the manual and figured out that I had to push fn+f4 To toggle between note book lcd and d-sub output. Know however it is not full screen on the tv. is there a way to make it full screen. my tv is a 52" JVC DLP. Thanks again!
Glad to see you got it working. But what is not full screen exactly? Do you mean there are black bars on the sides? Or do you mean that it's just not taking up the full screen? Also what are you trying to view one there, videos, games?
trying to view videos. I have black bars on the side...and while we are at it is there a way to just see picture and hide all explorer bars?
What are you trying to view the videos in? But the reason you are getting the black bars on the side is because your TV is widescreen and the videos are not. You can probablly change the settings in the player to view the videos stretched in widesceen so you don't see bars.
Also if your seeing exploer bars then maybe you should switch to full screen' if its available to you...
Yea, thats why I wondered what he was trying to play them in, because some players don't have the option of full screen do they?