First of all Hullo there from Glesga *waves* Well - only just stumbled on the existance of Starview 2 and Digivox boxes, and I'd love to get one. The problem being I keep reading (on a well known auction site!!)that it's a plug and play procedure, but reading through some of the posts here it looks far more complicated than that. Being the complete technophobe that I am - am I better to steer well clear or is there a dunces version of the set up that even a numpty like me could understand? I'm on Virgin cable and please excuse any really stupid questions I really am that thick. Janice
I will stay away from over complication as that is one thing these boxes aren't you can have them set up in a few minutes. One word of advice do not purchase them on fleabay as the Starview will more than likely be a clone even though the digivox isn't please use a reputable dealer. And yes they will work on VM cable. If you decide to get one come back here and we will have you up and running in no time.
Next daft question - reputable sources, could anyone point me in the right direction? What's a clone box by the way?