i changed the .gcm to .iso for many files but i have 3 i did the same for them and i can't burn them as they are not reconized as iso. please help a girl out.
Was .gcm extension visible? You should replace .gcm to .iso If you did it still right, you can try to align iso to 32bit with Wiped gcm fixer aka fstfix. I remember that there was in readme that nero recognizes it better that way...
no the .gcm was not visible.. i just added it to the end of the title and it still shows it in properties as gcm
Go to Tools->Folder Options->View tab, check the "Display the full path in the address bar" and then you renamed the.gcm to .iso
Oops wrong info there, you have to uncheck the "Hide the extensions for known file types". Sorry about that. ^_^
You have to use fstfix in order to get the size to 1.35GB. Go to this website to get more info, http://modthatcube.pxn-os.com/
also if u dont want your file extensions visible ( cause of kids etc..) u can use winrar to rename extensions just open winrar go to the folder right click on file and rename
as if that matters. Get yourself Properties Plus and change the extension via it. very useful program