I have a question, does the java script still work for it and if it does how do i do it because ive tryed and i cant get it, 2nd if it does not work is there a dif. way im trying to get sp2
http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/...be-3b8e-4f30-8245-9e368d3cdb5a&DisplayLang=en no validation check
it doesn't do a check on my machine, you can order the disk from MS for the cost of shipping, or download on a friends PC here is the link to order CD http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/downloads/updates/sp2/cdorder/en_us/default.mspx
If it is a legit copy with a COA, contact MS and they will take care of it for you. If it is not, then buy a legit copy of XP.