Hi, I'm new and hoping one of you guys can help me. I have a softmodded Xbox using the SplinterCell Linux trick. I am running UnleashX v0.38 as my dash. I just popped in the 200gb hard drive. (locked, obviously) It shows up as "F" 123GB. How do I make a secondary partition to utilize the rest of my hard drive? I found XBtool, but I can't seem to get it to work. (And after I edited the BIOS, how would I get it back on the Xbox anyway?) The help feature on XBtool is a 404. :'(
hey dude, if you don't want to mess with your computer again, all you need to do is go get a copy of Xpartitioner from the usual places, throw it on your xbox in the apps section, boot to it, and specify where you want all the alotted space. i used the E and F partitions, E being stock 5 gigs, and the F being 242gigs