anyone else feel like they're getting ripped off on car repairs? insurance companies and parts distributors knowingly installing counterfeit and uncertified parts on cars! anyone else?
Anyone know anything about this. Been doing a lot of research because we're all getting ripped off by the insurance companies using counterfeit aftermarket parts on our repairs. this is illegal isn't it? America is getting ripped off by the taiwanese and domestic distributors. Anybody hear on the street lately whats been going on with low quality parts, uncertified parts. Im not talking about aftermarket performance parts and mods, but repairs on cars after a crash or accident where OEM parts may or may not be used. Lots of lawsuits going on in the industry where our nations largest parts suppliers and insurance companies are ripping off body shops and policy holders. These distributors are being backed by the trickery of the insurance companies and are passing off parts mis-representing them to be high quality, when they absolutely know they are not. Are they just trying to make the sale? now with the latest National Highway Traffic Safety Association agency recalls on safety parts, these guys are "failing" to bring out the data , they know their mixed with huge amounts of knock off parts . MQVP is in the forefront of all this. These distributors and insurance companies are trying to push them out of business so that they don’t come to the table with the data that will expose and prove these companies for the years and years of fraud. im told bodyshops all over the nation are starting to receive these notices . Sure makes you wonder whats going on doesn’t it? this was also in the newspaper today : has anyone else felt they had illegitimate parts installed recently? what gets me, is that the insurance company executives know it. Counterfeiters exposed ---people need to google keywords MQVP + Counterfeits + keystone + lawsuits Be safe out there!
been going on for years and years, but it's just been getting really bad over the past decade, just like high insurance rates and ripoff companies. only thing that can do damage to them is the government passing some kind of legislation to hurt their business or lower their profits, like repealing the law that requires auto insurance for all drivers or something.
Hey Auslander: You are probably right -i am not sure Insurance comapnies are the blamr;; yeah they use the parts but they didnt counterfeit them.These parts are being made by offshore knock off artits. They are actually capable manufacturers and knowhow to make real fakes that look real but just engineered to BE CHEAP not engineered to FUNCTION and be safe---thats how they make the profits!! Problem with America is that we have crooked business people to who impoprt them and knowing pass on the fakes for even more profit. Do the shops really care?? do they inspect and demand that they get proof these parts are really equal to OEM value and safety??? NOT USUALLY...everyone is taking a little bit and the consumers is the looser. Ask your self where is the customs and homeland security on this --they know it tooo??? cant catch every crook...until someone gets injured no body will react-- because it is only money!! How do we the people get organized--to expose this and get a ground swell of embarrasment for someone---Congressman??? FBI?? the insurers??
i use a bodyshop that uses nothing but OEM-certified parts, and if my insurance company gives them crap (which they do), the shop uses its swing to ensure the company doesn't screw the repairs up. it *is* the insurance companies' fault, but this is due to the fact that, just like any large company in a capitalist society, their number one mission is to make the maximum profit possible. there's no little ma & pa insurance companies that just make what they need to survive and take care of their customers....there's fewer ma&pa's every single day, and that's a major problem in our modern society. too many walmarts and starbucks and la di dah...they may be cheaper at the checkout, but we're signing a lot more away than a few dollars.
Greetings All, anyone notice one of the countries second largest counterfeiters just acquired the countries largest counterfeiting distributor? LKQ bought Keystone just last week. it looks like they stole the company, not a good price for Keystone at all. could it have been because of the trouble Keystone is in with MQVP and their mega lawsuits. My search engines just spotted this new page change on the website. They have a consumer safety advisory up. Interesting. Stay safe out there.