Totally new to this, so bear with me if this has been discussed here before. Ive got a Sagem D-box and until recently got Sky Movies no problems. They were all moved and renamed so I re-scanned and got all the channels back. However, now that Telewest has changed to virgin, on the movie channels, like Sky Premier I get a message saying Welcome to Sky Movies channels These Channels broadcast 12, 15 and 18 certificate movies, so you'll need to enter your PIN to watch. There are no extra charges. Please check your Virgin TV Guide for details of movie start times. Press Red and enter your PIN to access Sky Movies Ok, so I tried pressing the red button, but all I get up is the Event List Menu. ANy advice on how I view these movies?
Try Going into the Boquets, there`ll be other versions of them channels without a pin lock. move them up to where ya want them and move the others out, or even better delete them.
I've tried to do this. Went through all 446 channels that were found during the re-scan. Many channels, like BBC1, appear a couple of times, say on channel 72, then again on 300odd. However, the sky movies do not appear without the pinlock. Infact, they do not appear again. I went through each channel individually to check it wasn't under another name, but nothing. Any other ideas?
I think you may have hit the nail on the head there! for example, just now on Sky Drama 'Ladies in Lavendar' is meant to be on. On Sky Drama Hid the EPG says 'football tonight' followed by Sky Sports News at 10' but the channel is showing a film which I think is 'Ladies in Lavendar'. Is there any way I can change the EPG on Sky Drama Hid so that it shows the correct thing?
transfer your services file to you pc and you can edit it with microsoft word,or you can use a bouquet editor,there should be info on the forums