what is the best newshoting or giganews i neec to know at the moment i use grabbit now is ther anything better out ther if so please recommend it to me thanks alot
I've tried several news services and always went back to giganews. I've not seen better. Cheaper, yes. Better, no. I've been with giganews over 2 years all together now.
The system I use has giganews as my news-server, NewzbinDOTcom as my index of newsgroups and what is there plus Newsbin Pro for the way to download/convert the files. Newzbin only reports what is in the newsgroups. It gives a list and then a separate report of a thing. With that report is a click able tab for it's NZB file that if clicked on will automatically launch Newsbin pro that uses the NZB to load the requested files for whatever it is for and converts/downloads. As the way of the newsgroups, all movies, music, software are converted into text file language files which is why newsgroups will work for transferring stuff. But to change it back into 'whatever' to be able to use, a program is needed like newsbin pro. Giganews supplies the way to the newsgroups. NewzbinDOTcom supplies the way to find stuff and get it. Newsbin Pro supplies the way to convert and download it. NZB files are a file listing newsbin pro uses to load the files wanted. For 50 cent a week (US), you can be a registered newzbinDOTcom member which offers one NFOs, daily email reports and more. It is the fastest, easiest way to use the newsgroups I have found so far. The email listings of new stuff posted to the newsgroups daily with the click able links to their listing is an awesome thing to have.