Girlfriend's E-mail hacked.... Suggestions?

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by Ineedsomehelp, Jun 6, 2012.

  1. Ineedsomehelp

    Ineedsomehelp Member

    Jun 6, 2012
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    Hey guys. So I didn't really know what the appropriate forum for this topic would be, if this is in the wrong area, please let me know and I'll ask a moderator to move it.

    Basically I received an email from my girlfriends email address today that was spam.
    Naturally I quickly texted her and had her change her password and delete all her mail.

    So what exactly am I worried about? Just take a second to guess......

    If you guessed naughty pictures, you sir or madam are correct. She only sent two and they were a looooong time ago. Still, It worries me that whatever bot might have send the email might have also downloaded all past sent emails, in which case she could end up on the internet at some point. Am I unreasonable for assuming that bots or hackers would take the time to download or look through countless emails? How likely is something like this? My senses would tell me not to worry, but I'd like a second opinion.

    Next, I was considering doing a tineye or reverse google search for those two images so that if anything came out, I could stamp it out before it spreads too far (as much as that's possible in this day and age...) but I'm worried that tineye or google would keep the pictures logged. This would not be good as well, though realistically it would do little or no harm thanks to stringent privacy policies and an overwhelming amount of other pictures and information in the same pools.

    Opinions? Suggestions?
  2. pepsimaxx

    pepsimaxx Regular member

    Jan 9, 2006
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    Just me personally, I wouldnt be worried about it. But I don't know a whole lot about that kind of ordeal. I wouldn't sweat it, ive gotten spam from loaaads of my friends, who im sure have gotten all sorts of naught pictures / emails and who knows what else. Im sure the internet has enough free and weird porn for everyone without having to rely on your girlfriend's email to supply the world with nudes. haha

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