Hey everyone, I'm new and have read through some of the threads and have finally made a coaster into a DVD... however, I have been unable to get rid of the glitches. Burner :: Lite-On (brand new). My software :: Nero 7 Essentials. My DVD :: hp invent dvd+r 16x 4.7GB (I have about 70 of these) Any help, the sooner the better. AIM is EmmyJay5 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Change to something that says 'Made in Japan' on the package or 'Verbatim' Burning speed too high, try 4x. And there is new firmware for the burner here, although the disks and burning speed are the probable cause. http://forum.rpc1.org/dl_firmware.php?download_id=2342
'm not sure what you're talking about and why it is a problem? How would I change this? I've tried to change it a million times. This is my process... OPEN NeroSmart Start Essentials. OPEN Make your own DVD-Video. Right before i'm about to burn... On the right side I changed the RECORDING SETTING to anything lower. I click BURN, and every time I get the same result, 16x! What's the proper way to change the burning speed? Can it be done permanently as well? Thanks Emmy Jay 5
It always want to burn at maximum, but if you insert the blank DVD before starting Nero it will allow the range of speeds for that particular disk.
I tried that and it doesn't change the fact that it wants to burn at 16x. Idk why it won't let me change it. I think I'm setting it to x4 but the log always ends up saying x16.
I think I found a solution to changing my burning speed from 16x to 4x. I opened "my computer," right-clicked on the burning drive, clicked "properties," clicked "recording" tab, selected 4x. I'm currently burning a "test" DVD. When I clicked the recording speed in NERO, it was still set at MAX. I moved it to 4x too. I'm hoping it will register properly now. However, if I leave NERO set at max now, will it use the maximum I set for the burning drive, which is now 4x?
I don't know. I thought the setting you speak of was for XP's drag and drop to CD burning speed. Mine is set for 16x, but I can still change DVD and CD speeds in Nero. If it doesn't work, save the Nero compilation to the hard disk folder, download IMGBurn and use it to burn the compilation.The speed can be set to 4x and should show some improvement. http://www.imgburn.com/ Run ImgBurn Mode > 'Build' Output > 'Device' File > 'Browse for Folder', highlight on the 'VIDEO_TS' folder, > 'OK' Set speed 4x and click the green write button.
I don't have verbatim in any stores near me. Is it because the highest speed it records at is 2.4x... i think that's what I read. If I buy DVDs that have to be burned at slower speeds will that be one way to resolve my issue? I hate 16x HP-Invent. Can you list the best ones because it doesn't tell me the DVDs max speed on these websites. Thanx
The disks you are using are made by CMC. CMC disks are often cited as the reason for an unsuccessful burn. It's easier to change the media to conduct a test than anything else. Try Maxell or Ritek labels.
I tried IMGburn and the ISO file burned with minimal glitches. HOWEVER, my problem is with the sound being off by a second or so in the last 30 minutes of any DVD I burn. I've burned 2 different ones with the same exact problem. As an ISO burn, how can I fix this? I am still looking forward to the day where I can just urn in NERO though.
I somewhat successfully burned at a lower speed using this advice. Log included. HOWEVER, I am still receiving glitches. What is the next step in fixing this problem? ALSO, if I try to IMGburn process again. how do I fix the audio glitches as mentioned in my previous post. I do not receive audio glitches when I burn straight from NERO, rather glitches as a whole... skipping and freezing. A resolution for both NERO and/or IMGburn is needed. Thank you LOG DELETED
Do you have to restart the computer everytime you go to burn at 2.4x because I went to burn again and it burned at 16x. The sound is messed up now everytime I burn... the last 30 minutes.
I plan on getting Maxell today. I can't wait until this coaster nightmare is over. Also I am going to get -R because my friend suggested that they were more compatible over +R. Do you agree, before I go out and buy another pack of bad CDs. LoLz
Your log looks OK, as you said only thing is burn speed. As you are using NeroVision ...just before you select BURN you can change your burn speed from here.
I do that, but it doesn't save it. Once I click burn it reverts back to 16x. I don't know why. Personally, the HP Invent discs were more successful at burning, even with glitches. The log still says that there are other errors, and I don't know what that means. So at this point it's not the 16x, because I have gotten much further burning at 16x tahn I am being allowed with the Maxell discs. What does the rest of the log suggest, because an OK log is definitely not a successful log. At any rate, I'm starting to think maybe it's down to getting more memory. If I get 1GB instead of the 500 whatever I have of memory... I should be able to burn at 16x and then it wouldn't even matter, right?