ok some ppl on my msn have gmail accounts and they are in my contacts. now i have gmail.. but their isn't a gmail messenger is their? how do i log into gmail which messenger do i use xD im new to all this gmail stuff...
Don't really know what you mean but ill give it a go. Do you want to know when people send you emails to your gmail account?if so go to this site and download it toolbar.google.com/gmail-helper,No there is no gmail instant messenger so you will need to login at mail.google.com hope this helps you
yeah i think i know what ure talking about. When you get MSN messenger, it asks if you wanna sign up with existing account or create a new one.thats how they get on msn with gmail. hope that clears things up. =pepsimaxx=
haha weird that I read this now. I was checking my mail and all of a sudden a little box popped up in the left hand corner sayin "Hiya Joshua" I was like what the F*** is that! the first five seconds or so I was baffeled...