Ipod Video. I only play mp3s, however. Looks like it's working fine, just NO SOUND coming out. It's not the headphones. Any help? I've done the 5 R's I have no idea how to use ipodwizard to downgrade the firmware. It would give errors, saying "it cant find the update button" ANd I can't start the Updater.EXE off the CDR without having an error.
In IpodUpdater, I did open Updater, using the original CD. Then, I click "downgrade firmware", and I get "ERror finding updater button" WTF? Ok, so I manually try to open the same .EXE file I chose when doing "open updater", and it just says "invalid service version" WTF. I am fuming. F AAPL. These POS's never last 1 year.