Going to College This Fall. Use College Network or My Own?

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by CABeach, Jul 9, 2006.

  1. CABeach

    CABeach Member

    Apr 30, 2006
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    This Fall I will be going to college in California and my college is telling me that they will provide their network to me and they don't charge for it. Of course we have to provide everything else, the computer, ethernet, cords, etc. Should I do that or should I get those Cingular Network cards for laptops where I can have my own private connection? I can't decide because I don't know much info about it. For example, I know for sure I will be using P2P/File Sharing and Torrentz/Azureus and so on and I don't want to be limited at all. I know I'll already have to edit ports or something for firewalls. But then again should I just get the Cingular card so that I can have wireless internet almost anywhere in the USA. (Depending on coverage areas). What do you think? If your a college student your opinion would really help cause you've already been in this situation.
  2. thecraigc

    thecraigc Regular member

    Mar 10, 2005
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    thats a hard decision, use theirs = free!! but they can see what u go on. use ur own = costs they cant see.
  3. The_Fiend

    The_Fiend Guest

    And there's the fact that a lot of people who use Peerguardian block university and college IP adresses because of the network monitoring.

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