Golden Sun / ROM knowledge anyone

Discussion in 'Nintendo DS' started by ArchFelin, Jul 9, 2007.

  1. ArchFelin

    ArchFelin Member

    May 30, 2007
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    Are any of you ROM hackers? in particular is anyone familiar with Golden Sun?
  2. nintenut

    nintenut Regular member

    Dec 12, 2006
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    To some extent, what do you need?
  3. ArchFelin

    ArchFelin Member

    May 30, 2007
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    1. Can you get the rowing speeds of the passengers? on the Tolbi-bound ship?

    I started out by looking for crews of passengers that go directly to Crossbone Isle. I think that I had a crew that did arrive on time for Colosso but I was not paying attention.

    It seems that the model of the Karagol has a current that pulls the ship to Crossbone Isle. The rowing speeds of the left team add together and likewise the rowing speeds of the right. I am guessing that the angle of the force is the same for all passengers on the same side and taking the negative angle gives you the angle of the other side. The angles give you the direction and the sum of the speeds on a side give you the length. You add the vector and the angle of the sum must equal the angle of the current for the ship to go to Crossbone Isle.

    2.To reach Tolbi on time you might have another current, "The Tolbi Swift", or it might be possible for the speeds of the faster passengers to balance off. I can test crews by coding 4 passengers into a savestate - the passengers chosen go into the story book flags and is not hard to find and figure out. It seems that a crew chosen from the Pigtailed man, Cook, Green Guide and Young man should make it but they do not.

    3. BUT, would anything even happen if a crewing did reach Colosso on time? I think that the landslide blocking the Silk Road would be cleared away by a story event and then you would either not get that cut scene where the passenger jumps the guard and gets trashed or the passenger would get up and return to Kalay.

    If you compare with games like Metroid, Star Ocean, Tales of Symphonia and Legend of Zelda, there are not that many people playing Golden Sun and most of them follow a walkthru.

    4. A third possiblility is that none of this can happen but by patching the ROM you can make it happen.

    I hope that I am making sense.
  4. nintenut

    nintenut Regular member

    Dec 12, 2006
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    I haven't made it that far... If that's a big part of the story I doubt it would be possible, romhacking doesn't give many options...
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2007
  5. ArchFelin

    ArchFelin Member

    May 30, 2007
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    I know when the passenger's rowing speeds is accessed. Once you have selected all 4 passengers and Kaja says "row those oars" (for the 5th and last time) is when the games checks the rowers. If you are able to step through the code you will see when the code for each rowing position is checked. Nine bits are used for each rower choice.

    - is a zero bit and . is a one bit. Hex numbers are hex numbers
    In the storybook flags at starting from the left

    -tss ssss /sssf ffff //ffff F / 7 7

    tttt tttt / t..- 7

    0 ---l llll llll

    t = Tolbi flag
    s is a bit in the second rower
    f is a bit in the first rower
    t is a bit in the third rower
    l is a bit in the last rower

    From left to right the passenger bits are
    Old Man, Blond woman, Young man, Warrior (green cape), Pigtailed Man (bare chest), Red-haired girl, Cook, Purple Guide, Green Guide.

    Do you know how to step through the code as the game executes? Couldn't you just start at this point and see where the rowing speeds are? Once you know where the rowing speeds are I think that you can force early arrival by maxing them for four passengers.

    The above really should not be that bad for someone who has already been looking at the ROM.

    Clearing the landslide away would be harder and more time consuming. I am guessing that you would have to find where the game has the information for generating the graphics for the landslide and also have the capability of reversing the gamecode to a pseudo source code and then scan the pseudo source for references to the location for the landslide graphics.

    You can do the rowing speeds right?
  6. nintenut

    nintenut Regular member

    Dec 12, 2006
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    I'm still learning... Hence "To some extent"... My apologies...

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