Makes a change for me to be asking for info, but anyhows. I've recently been getting a bit bored of my current collection of homebrew for my DS and thought I would ask for some suggestions for any good homebrew GAMES out there, I have all the usual apps, such as Moonshell, DSorganise, DSFTP, DSAIM, BEUP etc. But I've never really found that many good games - any ideas? I currently have MegaETK, and thats it ¬_¬
I Remember Explosive Gas, will definetly get that. Homebrew Zelda Demo? How the hell did that slip under my radar!!! that is now a No.1 priority to me I already have DS Doom on my M3CF, but forgot to mention it, I don't play it much as it's on pretty much everything else i have...PC, both PSPs, all 3 laptops, my phone, my ipod, is on both of my xboxes numerous times in all it's forms (linux/snes/gba/pc/n64/doom3...etc ¬_¬) Any others worth playing? i'm off to download Homebrew Zelda Demo now...
Well let's see... AmplituDS Pokequest (Not much yet, looks promising) Super Mario War DS (Just a port of the freeware pc game) Wolfenstein 3d Tales of Dagur Super Smash Bros. Tactics And that's all I can think of right now, have fun.
Never realised Super Mario War was on the DS, i was playing that just yesterday on my PSP Think i'll download the others you mentioned, I have Wolfenstein on my Xbox but I never really played it much.
i've been looking into homebrew/hbgames myself. i found: ds go if your into go... (old japanese board game; but it's fun to play once you know how)