I really dont know to much about mod chips, but I'm trying to find a cheap easy to install mod (preferably solder less) for xbox v 1.3 to play burnt games and etc. I seen an aladdin live for like $20 but I dont want to buy it if it is junk any suggestions?
buy the xecuter 1.6 lite w/ sodderless adapter I belive there down to like 40 with the adapter after shipping I bought mine for 60 with adapter and shipping so check it out works great took 2 seconds to install just pop on adaper and chip power on make sure light is on the mod chip and screw down simple as pie have fun modding
thanks alot, I went with the xecuter ice because I found it for around $40 and the adapter was an additional $10
Cool beans enjoy when you need some help with anything else my aim nick is the same and my email is the same @yahoo