hey there I have a 54 minute film in Elements 1 in mpeg format that I'm trying to get to avi but when I export it out as avi is drop frames and is out of sync. I need either a good MPEG to Avi Program or DVD Files To Avi Program I can use to do it. Thanks for any advice.
Make sure you have installed the codec for avi,also can download a k-lite codec,maybe more help.You can try winavi to do that.Use the trial version first to see if it really help for you. http://www.winavi.com/en/video-converter/video-converter.htm
Hi Surfgod, first of all, please make sure you have installed divx codec or xvid codec, which is the best codec for avi encoding. Is your film a DVD file (including *.IFO) or just in an mpeg file? They need different programs to convert.