where are you going? please say this is not another, "i think im going to kill my self", kind of threads. please say you're retiring or going on vacation.
Phantom, where are you going bro? Please PM me. And i really hope this is a only a temporary bye, aD will really miss you. Hes still in HS!
Phantom69, hay i hope ur joking, but if not i wish u the very best in the future and can only hope u grace aD with your presents every once in a while. Best Regard Will
Good luck in the future my friend - You will be sorely missed. But why are you going.. any particular reason? Please tell us, to avoid this page turning into 15 pages of suspense & speculation. Thanks man. Take good care of yourself, won't ya ;-) All the best, Your buddy Lethal.
This is most puzzling and concerning. I trust you are well and I will miss your contributions. Cheers and best wishes.
i think he's doing a good thing, some people tend to get addicted to aD and forget about life outside it. he has high school to finish and thats more important than hanging out with us. he said he would stop in the IRC channel now and then to say hello, i'll keep everyone updated when he stops by.
i've had a couple weeks off but am now back, refreshed, all wireless and modern, and playing catchup, so watch out all
yeah sorry ddp, looks like you been real busy in my absence, though i see darth is back now too. gonna wimp out shortly though for the night but will be back on here in anger a.m.
Good to see you back & settled in your new pad, creaky. Good on Phants. I would probably have to do the same If I wasn't so good at handing assignements in at the very last minute =/
Welcome back creaky ya land lubber I had to take a short break to, but im waaay past highschool. Couldnt tell it by the way ive been acting lately.
@i_suck darthnip posted this earlier in the post. @gwendolin, Hi, thanks.. Take the blue pill and everything changes, take the red pill and everything remains the same... Take that pill that comes on a cartoon character cardboard piece, and blades of grass will talk to you as you walk on them or so ive been told..
My last post, im not going to lye, i am actualy tearing at the moment, my eyes are watering but anyway... check my profile page... check my blog entry, read it, it applies to everyone. GOOD BYE, MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU