Windows 7 (6.1.7601 Service Pack 1) 32 bits version Whether in Chrome/IExp/FF soon as i use Google Maps my PC will crash after few minutes.I thought it was a a passing glitch but it has been like this for months now
what does web search bring up on the subject,you'll have to try each fix till you find which thing is causing it.Start by updating windows & flash player & browsers
I did searches several times prior to posting (i do that with all my posts to exhaust any possibilities)With the searches tbh i'm none the wiser-other han a possible graphics/video issue My graphics are Intel- and even finding that was nothing related to instructions for my OS.I can't find properties for it but my screen resolution is set correct under adjust screen resolution
Okay thx , it's an Intel G41 Express Chipset. What else should i looking for , or to tweak ? Dedicated 128mb shared 701 Total 830
update chrome & firefox to v37 or above.
This happens with both Chrome and IE latest update. It is defenitely not related to the browser used. It seems related to the use of Adobe Flash Player. I have updated Flah Player to the latest release available. Still the same issue.
try disabling gpu rendering & switch it to software,link is for IE ,chrome & ff have links near the top of article Use Software Rendering would pay to check windows for updates as well,i'm familiar with the issue only problem is it took a while before gm became stable on my browsers & it was after numerous browser version updates including flash & windows, however i have no idea what the issue was,the weird thing is it worked fine originally then went belly up for a few months then came right windows 7 64bit chrome,firefox & IE Perhaps an error log in windows can point to the culprit/s
GPU compositing on all pages" my Chrome doesn't even have this .What i don't understand is my kids laptops are riddled with torrent downloads and all sorts of crap and they work perfectly fine- and yet my desktop pc which i regularly scan and clean is always playing up .Scans usually fix prob-for a few days and then it returns.Now Moz FF will crash and make chrome crash aswell.Chrome gives me not enough memory from Day 1 Another thing , Youtube is unaffected by the crashes and keeps running