I'm following the guide "Convert DVD-movies to AC3 DivX using Gordian Knot" and I have everything ripped fine, but none of the buttons in Gordian Knot seem to do anything. When I pressed the DVDDecrypter button it says "Before you can use that, you have to set the correct path to DVDDecrypter.exe!" so I just opened it manually, and when I try to open my dv2 file it says "Before you can do that you have to put the MPEG2DEC3.DLL in to your avisynth plugin directory!". What do I do about this? I looked in the Gordian Knot program folder and I can't figure out what is wrong. Thanks for any help you can provide.
You have to go to the plugin Directory and manually set each plugin you wish to run and there will be a problem with the Avisynth mpeg2dec3.dll! You will need to go here to figuare out what you need to do to get it to work! http://www.avisynth.org/index.php?page=Section+1:+About+AviSynth Don't remember offhand where the plugin directory is located as I don't use it any longer, but it's there somewhere! I prefer using this guide to add in AC3 sound! Same tools and just as easy, but less complicated to setup! http://www.afterdawn.com/articles/archive/copy_dvd_to_xvid.cfm If you go with this guide just make a folder on you desktop with all the tools in it! This is so you don't have to search your Hard Drive to find a tool! Much luck! Driz
Thats what youre supposed to do either get into the start menu and run dvd decryptor and dvd2avi or if you have them, shortcuts on your desktop. Also the mpeg2dec3.dll should be placed in the directory as the other avisynth filters. Do you have the plugin?
I have the plugin, but I wasn't sure where to put it since I can't seem to find a plugin folder in avisynth.
Have you taken a look into your Gordian Knot folder? You should see files like decomb or TomsMoComp.dll, thats where you put the mpeg2dec3.dll file.
ok it seems to be working now, i followed one of the steps in the guide Drizzit showed me. Thanks guys.