I'm trying to make a back up of my saw 3 disk and when I tried to use DVD FAB Decrypter I got the error message shown on the top. When I tried to use DVD Shrink I got the error message on the bottom. Might anyone know what to do to get around these problems? Thanks in advance! Rick
Red, you'll have to repost your error messages. They didn't come through. But, here are a few suggestions anyways: 1. Try RipIt4Me. This seemed to have the best success with this particular movie and all of its encryptions. You can find it here: http://ripit4me.org 2. Make sure DVD Fab is current. I believe the most recent is 3. Reference this thread on Saw 3: http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/447636 Hope this helps.
R u using the latest versionDVDFab3080 Also RipIT4me will also work for this dvd GUIDE 1 = DVDFab+VoBlanker+Shrink+IMGburn GUIDE 2 = RIPit4ME DVDdecrypter+FixVTS+Shrink+IMGburn BTW, try to search next time becuz there is a sticky about this DVD http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/447636
I looked all over DVD Fab Decrypter and never found the version it is. I even looked in the properties window. Do you guys know where I'll find it? Ian
It says I must have DVD Decrypter installed in order to use RipIt4Me. Are they referring to a different program or are they talking about DVD Fab Decrypter? If not DVD Fab Decrypter, could someone please link me to the d/l url where I can get this program? Thanks. Ian
I fixed your picture post. It looks like you need to update your version of DVDFab Decrypter. Shrink isn't going to do this movie.
Oh and here is the link to get the new DVDFab Decrypter DVDFab Decrypter Download If you want to use RipIt4Me then follow these two guides Installing RipIt4Me Backing Up With RipIt4Me Those guides will also provide you with links to all the software you need. Cheers!