It's been about a year now that my DS was left in a little pudle of water. It was only a little bit of water so it only would have covered the side of the DS that holds the battery. Anyway at first the orange light would come on on the corner when I tried turning it on but nothing else. A few hours later the DS wasn't working at all and hasn't worked for abotu a year now. I got it back out yesterday tried charging it and nothing happened, but then I left it charging over night and the orange light came on again but it still wouldn't switch on. I've tried changing the battery to see if the problem was coming from a dead battery but no luck there, still didn't work. Any suggestions? I've been reading around and it seems like most peoples DS's recovered after leaving them out to dry...
Your mistake was turning it on while it was wet. The ones that have come back to life have been left somewhere warm for a few days with the battery out without being powered up at all while wet (my phone has been in the bath, and down a pub toilet and is still going strong, but I know to take the battery out straight away and leave it for a couple of weeks to dry out). Seen a lot of these.. main board blown beyond economic repair. Some companies will give you a 50/50 chance that it can be fixed by being soaked in a bath of some sort of cleaning fluid.. I'd say more like 80/20 they can't.
actually I just asked my Gf and she said that she turned it on a week later for the first time, when she thought it was dry...