right now, im playing crysis:warhead, and i heard that it runs a lot better than crysis because they fixed all this stuff. and for some reason, warhead seems to be more demanding for my HD4870 than crysis. so i go to gpu-z and turn on the data log to track the temps, usage, ect. and for some reason, i get low fps in-game, but my loads arent 100% or around 100%. like they seem to float around 80%-90%. it just seems weird because i would expect it to work at around 100% to get more than 15fps. sure i can lower the quality/resolution and such, but im just wondering why it does this.
lol, so your saying its my cpu thats holding it back? because my q6600 is currently at 3.0ghz, and i assumed that would have been enough.
I used to have a Q6600 at 3.2Ghz, Warhead was the main reason I upgraded. My 3.7Ghz Q9550 is just about enough now, I get far fewer performance hiccups.
I don't think you would need to upgrade though. Crysis Warhead is one of very few games to be so demanding on hardware. The newer quads are faster but only marginally so. They do OC quite a bit better though. Sam's 3.7GHz is about average for air cooling on a Q9550. My Q6600 was a sheer luck find. Most top at like 3.2-3.4 before they start sucking voltage.
i went to my bios to see if i can get it any faster, and i noticed that for some reason, its at its stock 2.44ghz. so i change everything and put the voltage on the cpu to 1.3, 3.0ghz. i assumed that was enough because that is what i used before. so i also assume that crysis would run faster now that i OC the cpu, but then it keeps crashing on me. so i check me temps, ect, and run prime95. but for some reason, when i chose the torture test, i cant test my ram and such, so i just do the Small FFTs test, which i think tests only the cpu. and i do that for like 10 minutes, nothing fails. so i start it up again, and it keeps crashing. i change my cpu back to 2.44ghz and its fine now. does this mean im not putting enough voltage in the cpu or something? when i was originally OC, i was told 1.3 was enough. responses?
1.3 isn't even as high as the normal voltage in the case of a lot of core 2 quads, to get 3Ghz stable you should be using at least 1.35, if not 1.4.
Agreed. My 1.25VID is considered extremely low for a Q6600. Your 1.3v might be considered stock voltage for a good sample. 3GHz needs more voltage.
how would i know how high i would need to set it? i thought that when you ran prime95 and it passed for a few hours, then that means its "good enough" right? what methods do you guys use?
Basically, I've never been happy with any stress test. All I do is see if the system doesn't crash. If it never crashes, it's stable in my book.