Hey guys, I've been looking all over and cant find any really definitive answers for this so, I thought I would ask all of you... I have an Acer, AMD Athlon X2 with an Nvidia GeForce 9200 on-board graphics chip. I just noticed that it is running at about 85-87 degrees Celsius. cpu usage is between 2-7% and Im not running any kind of video. Is this normal for this chip or do I have a problem? the program im using to monitor the temp is CPUID hardware monitor. speed-fan 4.4 gives me the same reading. any help on this would be really appreciated. Jim
nope, no bunnies. is 85-87 a normal temp for this chip? I can get the temps down to about 79-80 if I put a room fan blowing towards the case but it never really gets any lower than that. toozit
i'm running about 56c on a geforce 7600gt that has a fan on it. do you have a front case fan pulling air in & a back case fan exhausting air out?
Yeah that seems rather high. I've been told that the hottest those chips should get is in the low 80s. The onboard chip has to have some sort of heatsink or heatsink-fan combo. I would recommend finding it, removing it, cleaning whatever thermal paste is on there (if any), and then applying fresh arctic silver in its place and put the heatsink/fan back on. I did this for my Geforce 9800 and brought the temperature down dramatically (5c-7c), should be the same concept with an onboard chip.
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16883103267 this is basically the rig i got. not a lot of room for modification really. im gonna open it up again today and see what i can do. thanks for the replies guys, ill get back with some results.... now, just to be sure this is my gpu correct?
I agree it is most likely the GPU, it will say "NVIDIA XXXX" on the chip so you will know for sure. I just don't see your northbridge chip, so there is a small possibility it could be that too. Good luck!