can anyone link me the url to download grand theft auto? the version i have doesnt work, it says reload the card and restart the game, still doesnt work. thanksssss
i didn't use one modds have had a go at me for givng links you can p.m me google ".nds roms" without the " see what you get
edit our post and take the website name out like i have before you get warned this a mine field here also word of advice is there god don't knock it like i did is the above is this legal? genuine question
Diamond - sorry someone is not really helping just running you round in circles. The rom in question does not work on the R4 original, no matter where it happens to come from, all the sites you have been led to hold roms - un patched original roms. You will not find what you seek on any standard rom site. The game requires an arm7 patch and also an arm9 patch, it will then work - however I believe the multiplayer and wifi options will still not work. You will need to search for how to patch - I have seen this in another forum - I believe gbatemp. You may find something in torrent searches.
was being genuine im running a dstt with 1.17 firmware someone in work asked me if i could find a working rom i tried a few sites 2 of them worked for me, didn't know its not the same for all makes of rom iv'e heard of arm7 and arm9 not used it though. sorry its not the same for you diamond good luck sorry i can't post the other link its against afterdawn rules