Hi! i have an old, sucky GeforceMX420... and i wanna upgrade it to an higer card like geforce 6600PCI(not 6800, way to expensive) and i was wondering if it's a good gamer's card that could hold the new games like GTA San Andreas that comes out for PC, and Brothers in Arms?? Please help
Hey is there even such a card called 6600 PCI ? I thought there was only PCI- E and AGP. I'm assuming it wasn't a typo.
The 6600/GT is a very good card, but you can get a 6800le for about the same price .....the 6800le can be softmodded from 8 pixel pipes up to 16 same as a 6800GT and Ultra then for a card that cost the same as a 6600GT you get a card that leave the 6600/GT for dead .... i use a 6600GT and it has no problems playing any games, what are the rest of your pc specs ??
well i turns out that i have a sucky main board to that can only take AGP 4X... the rest of my specs by the way is 256MB SDR Ram 1Ghz prossessor..(i think) and my mainboard is a K7T Turbo 2 and offcourse the Geforce 420MX 60GB Hardisk 8X CD rom and a DVD Rom that's about all i know PS. the card's name was a Geforce 6600 256MB PCI-Express but do you guy's think i'll be able to play GTA San Andreas on my specs?? i have the minimum requirements but i don't know if my Graphic Card meets the requirements thoug
if you only have 4x agp then i really dont think you will have pci-e support, you cant just use a normal pci slot. Although an agp 8x card will work in a 4x slot - just not at 8x. and if your short on $$$ i would suggest a radeon 9800 pro or xt. they are pretty low in price these days and perform well. p.s. Get some more ram or a new gfx card will be pointless because turning up game details will make it struggle with 256mb.
pci/e are on new boards only & is totaly different from agp & pci. can have 1.5gig of ram on motherboard
although your pc meets the minimum requirements for gta i wouldnt expect it to be playable on those specs. min specs are what is needed to get the game to actually start up on your pc - not what is needed for a playable experience.