Green Line On Samsung DV Capture ... Interference?

Discussion in 'Digital camcorders' started by atron, May 16, 2005.

  1. atron

    atron Member

    May 15, 2005
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    OK heres the deal. I've had my Samsung SCD-23 about a year or so. After trying various capture programs, different firewire cords and cards, and different DV tapes, every time I capture video from the camera there is a vertical green line on the right side that appears in the captured DV video. Does anyone have a clue what this is and how I can get rid of it. I can play the video straight from the camera to a TV or capture via analog and it doesnt show up. I really would like to be able to use my camera but this damn green line doesnt look very professional! Thanks for any info at all, I know you guys are the ones who would know.

    TPFKAS Regular member

    Jan 1, 2005
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    How thick is your green line? Is it just one pixel? What capturing software are you using and what playback software.
    If you encode it to mpeg, is it still visible?
  3. atron

    atron Member

    May 15, 2005
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    The line is 3-4 pixels wide and sometimes varies. I have tried Premiere, Windows Movie Maker, and currently using Pinnacle 9.4
    Yes it is still there when converted to any other format.

    TPFKAS Regular member

    Jan 1, 2005
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    It is probably a problem with your camera.
    It is clear that it is not visible on a TV, because it is outside the TV safe area. If captured through ananlog usually also a couple of pixels are cropped.
    If you planning to use the captured material on TV after processing you don't realy have a problem because these pixels will not be visible on any TV. If you want to watch on PC, the only thing that you can realy do is crop the pixels with video editing program.
  5. beltway

    beltway Member

    Jul 8, 2005
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    This is the first time I've seen anyone else mention this problem since I first noticed it and investigated it online about two years ago with my Samsung SCD-27. It has the same issue as mentioned by the owner of the SCD-23. The green interference line is on the extreme right edge, 3-4 pixels wide from top to bottom. As mentioned by the person following up, (I will add: depending on the editing method) the line sometimes isn't visible on standard aspect ratio (4:3) TVs, but it definitely shows up on widescreen sets and computers, leaving a crop operation the only solution.

    I wrote Samsung an email about this issue a few months after I bought the cam and received absolutely no response. I actually returned the first SCD 27 camera camcorder for another sealed retail package (thinking the green line was a one-off manufacturing defect), but the second had the same problem as the first. I kept the camcorder anyway as the line wasn't severe enough to outweigh the many features at the price of the unit.

    Now that I know another model of Samsung DV cam (SCD 23 as well as my SCD 27) have this problem, I'm very curious as to what exactly could be causing it. Obviously the warranty period is past for my camera, so I wouldn't mind opening it and performing whatever repair(s) would get rid of this green interference line.

    What's odd is that sometimes the line doesn't show up. I would say that a little less than half the video I've shot doesn't show it. Like the original poster, I tried different DV tape brands, switching tape speeds and changing internal options, but my casual experimenting didn't seem to isolate any specific cause.

    Other than this issue, the SCD-27 has been great. It definitely provided a higher-end feature set (at the time of purchase) than similarly-priced DV camcorders, and I've really enjoyed using it. I will more than likely email Samsung again with the URL of this page (and any other complaints I might be able to find on this issue). I certainly hope they'll be a little more forthcoming about the cause of the green line (but I doubt it) and while I'm hoping, maybe they'll have a solution as well.

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