Hello all! I just recently purchased the Sony DRU-700A Duoble-Layer DVD-Burner. It comes with the full Nero 6 Suite. I also downloaded DVD Decrypter. I plan on making copies of DVDs. Later this month the new Dual Layer discs will come out and I won't even have to compress any data. But I am still new to all this. My procedure, that I am just playing aorund with, consists of ripping a DVD to my hard drive using DVD Decrypter and then using Nero to Burn the movie to a DVD-R. 1. My first question is this - do I have the tools I need to do this? If not, what else do I need? 2. What is the most widely compatible DVD format with most non-PC DVD Players? I want to make DVDs that work everywhere, not just on PCs. That's all for now. Thanks for your help!
Hello, I am also trying to get your last question answered. I know it has been asked hundreds of times on this site, but the answer is very hard to find. I currently use +R, but I don't know if it is the most compatible. I think it may depend on who you talk to as well.
Hi and welcome to AD If you use dual-layer media then DVD Decrypter and Nero will do everything you need. I would highly suggest practicing with some single layer RW's until you have your methods and hardware working 100%. Dual layer media is going to be quite expensive! -R media is generally considered the most compatible format but since you are venturing into the unknown territory of dual layer media you may be the one telling us! There haven't been any real world reports of how compatible the new DL media is. My best suggestion would read the guides, read some more, then read some more. The more you know beforehand the better! We'll be here to help you with any snags you may run into.
Well, Verbatim will have the first fully tested and approved Dual Layered DVDs out - possibly next week or the week after. In those cases, I can just backup any DVD by decoding the protections. But My new burner only supports DVD+R_DL discs, not DVD-R_DL discs (unless Sony releases a new Firmware down the road). That's why I am hoping most DVD burners will be able to read DVD+R by default. Hence, my question about which is the most widely supported format In the meantime, I will be experimenting with just shrinking large DVDs to the 4GB format. BTW - what kind of hit will the videos take? Is it very noticeable? Is it atleast better then VHS quality? That's really all I care about - I hate seeing Ghost images and fuzzy text displays. Finally - I am going to purchase a Dazzle DVC 150 so I can capture full quality Video directly into MPEG-2 format. What will I have to do to get that video onto a DVD? Does Nero take care of the MPEG-2 reading/coding? Or is there more to it? I read in one of the guides that DVDs don't read MPEG-2 in their raw format, that they haveto be converted to .VOB? I am fuzzy on that whole thing. Thanks again! OH - one more question. Is there any advantage to using DVDShrink to write from the DVD diectly to an .ISO AS OPPOSED TO Using DVD Decrypt to copy the disc files to a Folder in it's normal format? When using Nero, which way is preferably faster and do they both produce godo quality results? Thanks _X_X_X_X_X_[small]DeeVeeDee[/small]
In my experience I've had zero problems with the eight or so players I've tried +R in. The compatibility issue goes back to some older (and some newer) players that can't cope with +R. Here's a good link for checking player compatibility: http://www.videohelp.com/dvdplayers Quite simply, it all depends. The higher the compression, the lower the quality which is why it's necessary to cut out as much fluff as possible on the larger titles in order to keep quality up. Another factor is what you'll be watching the discs on. HDTV will show quality loss much more than a plain jane TV though it's highly subjective to the tatstes of the person watching. Experimentation is a must to arrive at a formula that works for you. I've zero experience with transcoding, but that is what you must do in order to make it playable on a DVD player. You are correct that the MPEG-2 must be converted to VOB files. I believe Nero Vision will do this but I've read that it doesn't do a very good job of it quality wise. You might take a look at our software section for transcoding tools. I know TMPGEnc is a highly regarded transcoder. As for your last question, there's no quality difference between ISO and File mode - it's the same data just in one big ISO or broken into smaller files. I haven't seen any difference in times between the two. _X_X_X_X_X_[small] JMLS-166S/Plextor PX-708A/Plextor Premium[/small]
Ok, I'm seeing all this talk about dual layer dvd...is this going to effect my ability to burn dvd's? Sher