
Discussion in 'DVDR' started by wilkie1, Feb 15, 2007.

  1. wilkie1

    wilkie1 Guest

    ok i have verbatium disc.. and the prob is w/ gridiron gang.. i have dvd decrypter.. shrink...vts...and rip it 4 me..ican rip movie and analize it and make a viewable backup on harddrive BUT i can not make a copy of the damn thing.decrypter will show it as a complete with no errors all other backups are working fine..
  2. IHoe

    IHoe Senior member

    May 21, 2005
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    you used RipIt4Me to get it onto your hardrive..... did you transcode it to get the movie to fit onto a DVD5? if so then just use ImgBurn to burn to disk! here ..... follow this guide and you should have no trouble doing this movie at all:,
    RipIt4Me does all the disks out there..... just follow the guide. enjoy.

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