Strange occurence here. After a cold boot, when the system comes up, the first disc I load into the drive ends up not being read. The drive just tries to read it but never can(light blinks, as if it's trying). If I open and close the tray, it then reads it fine and is perfect the rest of the night, no matter what I put in it. This no read on boot, happens about 75% of the time and the time I wait, after the system boots(ie. letting the system settle down for a few minutes and such) doesn't seem to have any effect. Not sure what it is but something isn't right. I'm thinking of exchanging it for another one(got it from Best Buy only a few days ago) and seeing if that has any issues. Thought? Thanx FYI, I'm running the most current firmware LL11.
Followup... I picked up another one(same exact model) and this one works fine. It reads fine, the first time(seems to pick up on reading a disc faster too). So it looks like the first one was just a flakey drive.
I have 2 LGs,4163 & 4167 but never got problems like yours,but i touch wood so that they don't let me down!Well first it was a bit hard to say that the problem comes from your drive but after you said that you tried another one,same model and works fine,then you definitely know where the problem comes,you got yourself a defective drive.But glad you've been able to exchange it for another one and it works! Vincent.