GTA 4 on 360 or PS3?

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by gamerofuk, Apr 9, 2008.

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  1. gamerofuk

    gamerofuk Regular member

    Jan 22, 2007
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    Which console will be best to run GTA 4 based on performance, graphics wise? Xbox 360 or PS3?
  2. erenix

    erenix Regular member

    Jun 29, 2007
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    Ooof...I honestly think the 360. The coloring seems darker, which shows a more detailed definition. I traded my ps3 because of many reasons, one was that they make everything bright in the games. Aside from all that I really don't think that this game changes for either systems. Perhaps because it is a game that has average graphics. Maybe a souped original xbox can pull those graphics.
  3. canuckerz

    canuckerz Regular member

    Dec 25, 2006
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    The PS3's load times should be several times better as it loads most of the game data onto the HDD. Graphics I'd again have to give it to the PS3 because it wont have to be compressed to fit onto a DVD9 like the 360 would have to.

    The only leg up that the 360 has is that M$ payed off rockstar so they get a few extra features, what the features are remain to be seen but the PS3 wont get them; on launch day anyway.
  4. slimdawg

    slimdawg Regular member

    Mar 19, 2008
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    DLC I think gives 360 the edge.
  5. 7thsinger

    7thsinger Regular member

    Oct 17, 2007
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    I would not be surprised to see this turn into a nice little flamewar.

    I'm going with the PS3 on this one.
  6. erenix

    erenix Regular member

    Jun 29, 2007
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    Honestly I think it was a bad idea asking this question. Reworded differently perhaps. In reality you're just asking which console is more superior. Biases, fanboys and all sorts of factors are taken into this personal account. Like mentioned before graphics are not a problem for either of these systems to pull for "this" game--easy to execute. As for additional content that varies from platform.
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2008
  7. Sharpy321

    Sharpy321 Guest

    i think with GTA games the graphics were always average it was solely the gameplay and vastness of the cities that truly caught the imagination of our inner child wanting to kill policemen, bang hookers and steal cars.

    I think my inner child may have been abused?

    Graphics wise hard to tell. seeing as both were coded from the ground up.

    I wouldn't be surprised if the XB360 may even have longer/frequent load times as said earlier due to not loading data onto the hard drive.

  8. fgamer

    fgamer Guest

    The 360 version by far will be the best, as we all know they built the game on the ground-up from the 360 hardware. Plus the downloadable content and Xbox Live..which kicks Sony's a$$. So the 360 version is the one to get!
  9. vik_1000_

    vik_1000_ Member

    Dec 10, 2007
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    the 360 will be cheaper but what about the sixas on ps3 i heard u can controll heli and planes
  10. Sharpy321

    Sharpy321 Guest

    obvilously as im a ps3 owner i will always be biased but my 2 cents on yours.

    they built them ground up on both consoles, hence why its taking so long for PS3 to release its one, to make a port takes next to no time at all.
    No reason why Xbox live, which kicks Sony's 'a$$', is better. Rockstar have already stated it will totally support Playstation Home and the ps3 will have downloadable content though it doesn't say what these will be. not to mention free to use(ps home i mean not the content).

    I'm pretty sure there will be no fixed wing aircraft that are flyable.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 19, 2008
  11. H08

    H08 Guest

    I cant wait for the day when third party companys will finally utilize the PS3'S Cell Processor and Blu-Rays Disks( Excluding Konami whos bringing out the 50GB MGS4!!!)
  12. okthen12

    okthen12 Guest

    Too right, don't know where fgamer got that from...
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