I have a R4DS and the NEWEST version of the firmware. Ok, I "obtained" a CLEAN rom of GTA:CW, so, i boot it up and it says "save data cannot be accessed, please power off and BLAH BLAH" whatever. so i think, i can fix this, just a simple arm7 patch right? all goes according to plan, and i successfully bypassed the piracy detection. BOMBSHELL I hear that there are AR cheats, so i load the NEW usrcheat.dat onto my R4. but alas, NO CHEATS. So i decide to put the CLEAN unfixied rom on the card aswell. when i select it, it shows the cheat option. in the cheat list there is the save bypass along with quite a few extra goodies. when i select the save bypass and load the game.. NOTHING HAPPENS. its the same message as earlier. is there some kind of special process that you have to go through to make it work? what am i doing wrong?
flippin heck you done more than i would have how do you do arm7 and arm9 patches i downloaded the Gta:CW tried it form one website it would not load tried it from another and it works.