Id buy San Andreas if it wasn't gonna sink in to the ocean in a few years Then Arizona will have front side ocean view with all the scum washing up.
I think I'll finally step away from AfterDawn for a week or so when this one comes out. I've seen some screenshots and it looks like this one will be hard to beat.
You've seen the screenshots, you've seen the hype, but you ain't played it =D Although the screenshots look really good, in terms of graphical detail.
I was told this one is going to have a massive playing area that runs from backwoods country to inner city. The screenshots I've seen support that one. Lots of possibilities with that broad of an environment.
Holy cow what a game! I do have some grumbles but mainly the controls. Wish they would have put an option to use the d-pad instead of the stick. I spend more time trying to stay in shape than doing the missions.
This is a great game one which is hard to put down.My problem now is the kids are hogging the console and i'm just getting to watch rather than play it.I think there bed time hours could be changing shortly.
What a great fusking game. Wow, one of the best console games ever made.... However, I'm not that big of a GTA fan, so just take my word for its greatness and multiply it by 2.
Yes i would agree with you there it is one awsome game and now i have had a proper go.I would say it really is a great game.I have also had a go of the new pro evolusion 4 if your in to the footy games this is a must as its the best ever footy game.
well, I am a big fan of GTA(I have 'em all) and this one is awesome, just got it last week, it is fantastico! I thought the last one would be hard to beat. Better than EA sports NCAA football! I have a feeling my posts are gonna drop drastically in the next month or so. Dam thing is more addictive than dope.