Here's some pics and info on how to burn dvd video folders with nero. Hope it helps as it took some time. Open nero, put your pointer over copy and backup, click on burn image to disc click on dvd-video files. click cancel on the first screen. click add on the next screen. use the dropdown menu to locate where your folder is stored then double click on the folder. click on dvd to highlight it then click on add. click on finish. click next. select your dvdrw from the dropdown menu. Name your disc if you want or you can leave it as new. Select burn speed from the dropdown menu. click on burn. Whew, I hope this helps. This didn't turn out as good as the original since I'm useing the same pics twice but I may redo it later.
hi my pictures are for useing nero BURNING ROM mort's are for nero VISION EXPRESS, i wonder if express re-encodes again, just for file shrinking maybe?
I use neroexpress,it just an easier one to explain to the newbies.It doesnt re-encode. I like it because you dont have to browse, as you do with nero burning rom.I just open my folder, and drag the video folder, in the bottom pane and click burn. It doesnt take any longer than burning rom to burn so it cant be re-encoding.
hi you think that express is easier? i have only 2 screens to go with, i dont use smart start either.... ummmmm....... i spose where you use the next button i got tabs? thyx...
I do use startsmart,I never got around to just copying a shortcut.I've used both methods and it seems easier to me.
Thanks rotary, Mine was supposed to look like the way you showed it but I couldn't get it to work and didn't feel like messing with it now. You da man.
I'm trying to get this all down. I have Nero and I used AVI2DVD for the conversion. The converted file is in color ( supposed to be ) but the resulting DVD is in B/W. Sound is good, but.... Any ideas on what I might have done wrong? Nero is . In the Burning ROM screen I couldn't figure out how to addd the files. I have now printed out all your posted pictures so that shouldn't be a problem again. In this case, I brought up Nero Express to get the files, then returned to the ROM and burned the DVD. I think that covers WHAT I did. So, where'd I mess up? Thanks, John T.
hi B/W is this when played on the PC? or standalone player? my first thought would be the its a ntsc film playing on a pal player, and also loose connections maybe!
If I play the post-AVI file on the computer it plays in color. After I burn it to a DVD it plays in B/W on the stand alone. I used the QuEnc Encoder the 1st time. I ran it through the HCEnc Encoder last night but haven't had a chance to try it yet re: burning a disc.Under the file properties it says the original is a Divx Codec. adding: I checked the folder and I now have a file labeled 'encoded video' and another labeled 'DVD Image - ISO file'. I'm guessing I would use the Image file to burn the disc. I'm assuming these are the output from the HCEnc Encoder.