GUIDE: Samsung X426 And Others UNLOCKING CODE

Discussion in 'Samsung discussion' started by BurningAs, Sep 2, 2006.

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  1. BurningAs

    BurningAs Regular member

    Jan 4, 2006
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    Thought i should share my success:

    This is to clear up all the posts and ongoing emails on Unlocking, whether to change services or just remove "Phone Locked" messages.


    If you have Rev 1.5 (x426) or earlier and most older models
    Use the *#9998*3323# Trick (look for it on the forum)
    The *#1111*WHATEVER# code will NOT work

    If you have Rev 1.6 (x426) or later and most newer models
    You MUST use unlocking software. Codes WILL lock your phone FOREVER

    Locked: Return for Servicing

    There is only 1 working solution, you must flash a copy of the firmware that is not in the locked status. (Most) Unlocking programs will NOT disable this issue, and your service provider cannot give you a code

    If you do not plan to use your phone with another service provider, there is no real point to unlocking your phone other than to sell it. If you don't need to unlock it, don't take the risk of disabling the phone altogether

    The *#9998*3323# Method:

    1. If you have changed your phone password, change your password back to the default 8 zeros (00000000).
    2. Put a SIM card that is from a network other than the one your phone is locked to
    3. When Incorrect SIM error comes up, type *#9998*3323#.
    4. White screen will appear with an exit option. Press the right softkey.
    5. From the menu that appears, select the Malloc Fail option. This will reboot the phone and the normal service screens will appear.
    6. Type *0141# and then press the green call key. "Personalization" or "Personalized" will appear.
    7. Turn off your phone and put the original SIM back in.
    8. Turn on your phone. You will receive a prompt to enter a password.
    9. Type 8 zeros (00000000)
    10. Completed. You have now unlocked your phone.

    Cerebros Instructions:

    1. Make sure phone is plugged into cable, cable is plugged into computer, drivers are installed, and phone is on.
    2. Start Cerebros Unlocker 1.5
    3. Click the "Models" drop-down box
    4. Select your model from list (q100 = x426/x427)
    5. Press Unlock
    6. Wait until finished and unplug phone
    7. Remove battery, replace, and turn phone on
    8. Phone is now unlocked

    WinIMEI Instructions:

    1. Make sure phone is plugged into cable, cable is plugged into computer, drivers are installed, and phone is on.
    2. Start WinIMEI
    3. Make sure U.S.A. (Voicestream), A Line, 1 PC, and the com port you are using are selected from the appropriate drop-down menus.
    4. All selection boxes should be unchecked
    5. Click Write IMEI in the bottom center
    6. From the new screen that appears click RD IMEI Setting
    7. Wait for TestModeOn Pass and the box in the upper right to display Pass and turn green before proceeding
    8. Click UnLock from the button cluster in the bottom right
    9. Click both Exit buttons and disconnect phone
    10. Your phone is now unlocked

    Note: All previously listed programs and an unlocked version of the x426 rev 1.6 firmware and optiflash (for flashing it) are available at my site:

    good luck
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