I have Windows XP, installed WMP 11. I have tried ffdshow, CoreAVC, Haali Media Splitter, and Quicktime DirectShow Filter for WMP 1.0.16. None of it is allowing me to play H264 files in my WMP.. I have tried dragging and dropping the file into the player AND opening the file manually from the menu. I am about to rip my hair out because I don't know what I am doing wrong, I have followed configuration instructions and everything. I am willing to start from the top as long as it will work! Please, please help..... Rissa
I just uninstalled all newly installed codecs and installed K-Lite Codec pack, all files play except for one (as you guessed) badly made file, obviously with some sort of CSS copy protection problem. Before it wasn't playing anything, so I'm glad to have that figured at least.