I have a Sagem Dbox and it is forever freezing / chirping etc - as some of you may know I've tried everything under the sun to get it working (heat sink, 20 different images / booster / different cable / channel rescan / ucodes / different cams. It still won't work reliably enough. So ebay it is. Now, should I get a Nokia DBox or are they prone to the same king of freezing / chirping? OR should I fork out a little extra for a dreambox, or do they have problems too? My signl is about 29000 with a booster, with SNR at 64000 and BER 0 so I have a decent signal, just a box thats temperemental.
I'd go for a Nokia box. I have a Dreambox 500C and to be honest I prefer the Nokia, better picture quality and better support.
I have used 4 nokias and about 5 sagems. All the sagems freeze, the nokias never freeze (on ucode 001A). I use sportster 1.7. Pacino worked best on the sagems. I am trying commando on the nokias now, it did have some trouble before but I think I needed to change to mgcam. I have commando 7.5 with mgcam on a sagem and it was stable for the last 2 days.
At a sportster pro image: sportster extras->configurations ->chip menue->avia_gt_proc ENX reset -> on ENX timer -> 8 ENX F.Channel Reset timer -> 8 save settings. It the sagem start chirping switch to the next channel and back.