hal.dll missing or corrupt and more problems

Discussion in 'Windows - General discussion' started by CAT1, Oct 22, 2008.

  1. CAT1

    CAT1 Member

    Oct 22, 2008
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    Couldn't start windows, got the following error message:

    Windows could not start because the following file is missing or
    corrupt: <Windows root>\system32\hal.dll

    Tried to fix this with win XP recovery console (bootcfg /rebuild)

    The problem is that the computer was shut off during this (every time I tried it). There seems to be some problem with the power supply also... And now when I enter recovery console, C:/Windows is missing...

    What could be the problem / solution? Do I need to reinstall Windows? I'm using Win XP Home edition.

  2. varnull

    varnull Guest

    Sounds like you need to find out what is up with the hardware before anything else.. Will the pc boot to the bios setup screens and stay on reliably?.. set to boot from cd first.

    then using the repair console on your xp install disk try these quick fixes.. boot to prompt and


    look for the syntax for




    if it fails then you may need to either.. download and run UBCD (google it) looking for ntfschk which will run from cd.. or reinstall.. whichever seems easier.

    then will begin the hunt for drivers ;)
  3. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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  4. jony218

    jony218 Guest

    This is the classic "system file corruption" especially if you get that error for no reason. More than likely an abnormal shutdown will cause this.

    The times I've encountered this problem, a chkdsk c: \f always has fix the problem.

    But it would be a good idea to fix the power supply, because all those abnormal shutdowns will eventually create an unfixable hard drive.

    The best way to run the chkdsk command is with a bartpe. If you have a windows installation cd you can make your own bartpe.

    I wouldn't attempt any other fixes until you do the chkdsk (a very simple fix). Don't reinstall windows until you exhaust all your options. All your data is still recoverable even if the chkdsk won't get it to boot again. You can use the free testdisk (photorec addon) to recover the data.

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