hi,when i try to print out guides i only get the left side of the screen which fills the printed out page.howdo i get the full page printed on a page....
sorry,should have said its only a problem when i try to print afterdawn guides,then you wouldnt think i'm a complete idiot and hadnt checked the printer settings already!take it no-one else has the same problem with the guides then...
sorry if you thought i was implying you're an idiot, not at all, ....printing from web pages is something i've never got the hang of, for many years i've coped with the right hand side of stuff being missing, it's just something i never had a need to sort out properly before
creaky i just check printing the whole page and it did and i did not do any thing special to do it.. note:this is using windows 2000 and a hp-deskjet 5550.. i just checked it on my xp-system same printer..,yep right side missing...