halloween scaries

Discussion in 'Safety valve' started by darthnip, Oct 30, 2005.

  1. darthnip

    darthnip Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 9, 2003
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    ok i'm at work, it's 4am, i'm all alone in a big ass industrial building. the dude i normally work 3rd shift with took a 1/2 day so i got the joint to myself. normally this would be a cool thing except i remembered this is officially halloween so i was hoping something freaky would happen. it just so happens there is a big ass cemetary right beside my location, so i figured what the hell, it's halloween at 4am, i'm all alone, time for a walk thru the cemetary on one of my many many smoke breaks. big mistake! now i'm the type that loves creepy things and dont get spooked very easy, christ i got twins named regan (exorcist) and ripley (alien) so i figure i can pretty much rule out any chances of being scared by noirmal stuff that would scare most people. well on my little walk i kept hearing leaves crunching, lots of leaves on the ground so no big deal except it kind of echoed my steps, then when i stopped i'd hear 3-4 more then they would stop. echoes... maybe, animals... good possibility since the area has lots of fields and woods around it. but the thing is i walked all over the place and the noises seemed to be within 20 feet or so of me at all times. of course me being super brave guy, i didn't think to bring a flashlight. i used ot live in this area so i've been to this cemetary many many times at night and i've never had such a thing as what happened tonight. the footstep thing kinda creeped me out but made me more curious than anything. once i got to the farthest point away from work i turned around to come back and i dont know what the hell it was but i plainly saw a black shadowy type object dart to my left from about 15 feet in front of me. since it is dark as hell out there i didn't actually see it, but only saw it blocking all the lights from my building as it moved. yeah i had the full on creeps at this point so i started to head back in a more direct fashion. the footstep echoing seemed to have stopped for a while but was back and much louder now, and seemed closer. every so often i would stop real fast and turn in hopes to catch a glimpse of something following me, but i never saw a thing. one thing i did notice is the sounds, even though they sounded closer now, did not continue when i stopped, they stopped when i stopped. and they weren't timed at all with my footsteps, but more like 2 specific people walking, me and whatever. before anyone says they are echoes, this cemetary has no upright tombstones, they are all ground level plaques so the sound could not have been echoing. the only thing out there are a few trees and bushes, but i still heard the crunching in areas i know there were no trees or leaves on the ground. at times my own steps made no sound, but i still heard the ones close to me. ok so now i'm back at work and i get to my desk and find my printer had somehow printed every piece of paper loaded into it, didn't print anything, just sent the paper thru. no big deal, no harm done. now as i look out on the factory floor i sometimes see a black shadowy figure darting behind equipment. i'm going to write it off as my over active halloween imagination. but if it happens to be some freaky evil spirit, it better not get in my way or slow down my work or things are gonna get ugly for the rest of the night.
    oh well, the only reason i started this thread is because hey, it's 4am, and i'm all alone at work. does anyone out there have any good ghost stories, or personal experiences they would like to share with the class? and for chrsits sake no stories of "orbs" in pictures, one word people, DUST! orb pictures are simply stupid IMO, get out the pledge and dust your damn house.
    if anything else freaky happens , i'll post it (if i'm alive to do so that is)
  2. Logik666

    Logik666 Regular member

    Mar 10, 2005
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    Well, assuming it wasnt your imagination, you'd better hope your new buddy is friendly, cause once thay start playing tricks on you (paper in printer) they usually dont stop.

    I used to be really into this stuff.

    Heres a true story, (i know its true cause i personally know her.)

    Friend of mine decided she was going to use a Ouiji Board, and some crazy things started happening to her when she did. Apparently she did a whole ritual and opend a door, and forget to close it cause she got scared and stopped. Anyway something came through it, and didnt leave. She started to wake up with bruses and scratches, and things like that.

    A couple weeks after she used the boared she had gone missing, her parents couldnt find at first. After a couple hours of calling friends her dad went looking for her, and he found her. He found her in a wooded area behind her house, she was naked and beaten up pretty bad. She hasnt bin right in the head ever since. She claimed to have bin raped by a shadowy figure with claws.

    Nobody know what actually happend but she has bin in and out of mental intitutions ever since.

    This happend 3 years ago.
  3. Lethal_B

    Lethal_B Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 12, 2005
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    Ah man, Logik, that is a real sad story! :(

    Darthnip, LOL what can i say! walking through a cemetary, with it being 4am and dark, on hallowe'en with dead people around, your imagination was bound to get the better of you!

    Seriously, rated for even doing that though, i'd be wahey too scared to do something like that! And with the printer emptying aswell.....seriously freaky!

    I don't have any halloween stories, but i get the feeling im going to see some excellent ones here!

    [edit] Yay, Halloween officially over! (here in England, anyway!)
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2005
  4. L-Burna

    L-Burna Active member

    Mar 25, 2003
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    Speaking of Ouija boards and stuff check out this image I got off one of my BTNH music cds(its an old cd,but still it was good back in the day I thought):


    Ghosts and stuff hard to believe it unless you see it I think.Alot of psychics and stuff like that say Ouija boards are a gateway for spirits.I honestly think it is just part of someones imagination,but then again I have seen some pictures that have orbs glowing on it that are unexplained.
  5. xboxdevil

    xboxdevil Guest

    ive seen a ouiji board start moving when no one was touching it if thats not real what is.
  6. L-Burna

    L-Burna Active member

    Mar 25, 2003
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    If you like scary stuff check out these vids on this site http://www.jkcinema.com/ .Pretty cool little myths they even say something about a midget in the Wizard of OZ movie.
  7. L-Burna

    L-Burna Active member

    Mar 25, 2003
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    Last edited: Oct 31, 2005

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