Halo 2.. not loading, any ideas??

Discussion in 'Xbox - Backup discussion' started by johnnyroc, Oct 22, 2004.

  1. johnnyroc

    johnnyroc Guest

    hey did the whole "elite cracker" deal and got halo 2, heres the problem.... i transfered to my box via ftp. it shows up under games in avalaunch - ALL is Well right?? well not really, when i go to launch the game, it just hangs there then after 10 seconds it restarts the dash...

    I've searched everywhere for a solution, feels like very forum that has "halo 2" in the title.. and nothing,, just wondering if anyone is willing to step up to the plate and give this one a shot.

    Also if anyone else is having this problem itd be a good thing to know that you are.. thatd give me some closure

    and hey if i dont get it working.. its coming out soon so no big deal but it'd be nice to play before hand.. thanks fellas

    system specs:
    Xbox version 1.4
    Xecuter 3 bios 1943
  2. idknox

    idknox Guest

    I use UnleashX and every now and then Halo 2 will freeze up at the load screen and I have to manually restart. Try using a different dashboard like Unleash or Evox, or just keep trying because it might just be missin here and there. Also, lauch Halo 2 from the default.xbe in your file explorer, not under Games or whatever. Just go into your File Explorer and do to the folder where the default.xbe for Halo 2 is (it'll be in the folder you ftp'd over) and launch it. I've found that often works better. Hope it works out for you.
  3. Kafluke

    Kafluke Active member

    Jul 17, 2004
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    I'm having the exact same problem and I've even formatted my hard drive loading fresh every dashboard available and manually loading the xbe using the different dashboards with the exact same results
  4. cja100

    cja100 Guest

    i have the same problem, im using evox and when i load halo 2 from HD or dvd-r the screen turns black and stays like that. could it be something to do with the xbox version? i used to have the same problem with xbox media center. but i cant remember how i fixed it.
  5. Kafluke

    Kafluke Active member

    Jul 17, 2004
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    yeah maybe. The box that it works on is 1.0. Mine is 1.1 that doesn't load
  6. cja100

    cja100 Guest

    it could also be the modchip, im using a Chameleon. that was the problem with a version of xbox media center on my xbox. but this could be a different problem to everybody elses because my screen stays black where as other peoples xbox's crash and restart.

    this is from the xmc website

    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 25, 2004
  7. XHPrime

    XHPrime Guest

    I ahve a question did all of you with this problem have an upgraded HD.
  8. cja100

    cja100 Guest

    yes i have an upgraded HDD,why what does this have to with it?
  9. idknox

    idknox Guest

    My screen would freeze up too. I use the latest version of UnleashX, and switched to the default skin. Now its fine. Try that.
  10. Kafluke

    Kafluke Active member

    Jul 17, 2004
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    I'm not using a mod chip, I have TSOP flashed my xbox. However, I had been using a mod chip in this very xbox recently with very similiar results with some games. I have tried using all the default skins and dashboards with all the same results. So I'm still at a loss
  11. idknox

    idknox Guest

    hmmm, I'm using a UDE gamesave hack softmod. It's working fine for me, so maybe it's a modchip problem.
  12. cja100

    cja100 Guest

    well im going to try idknox's setup with the UnleashX,switched to the default skin and the UDE gamesave hack softmod. if theres anything u think i should know please tell me as i have not done a softmod before.
  13. cja100

    cja100 Guest

    can you give detials on the UDE gamesave hack softmod?
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 26, 2004
  14. idknox

    idknox Guest

    Its kind of a long process. The forums and tutorials on xbox-scene can help you better, but I'll just skim it. You need to get the gamesave from xbins (look for instructions for xbins on xbox-scene). Depending on which game you have (you need the original game, not platinum edition) Splinter Cell, Mech Assault, or 007:AUF. On xbins, the gamesaves are under xbox/distributions and under itools. It'll read something like itool_1.75_SC, depending on the game. Now you need to download that gamesave and get it on a memory card. Easiest way is to ftp to an already modded box and put it on your memory card under MS gamesave manager. Or you can use Action Replay ($30) which hooks a memory card into USB on your computer. In the gamesaves, it'll be "Itools Installer" and a weird looking gamesave under whatever game you'
    re using. The UDE tutorial gives you instructions on how to install it from there. You can read it here: http://forums.xbox-scene.com/index.php?showtopic=227528&hl=ude+installer. If you can't figure it out, all the information is all over xbox-scene so just read a lot. Tutorials and forums are helpful. Keep in mind you need to undo your old hack before you do this. Hope it works.
  15. Kafluke

    Kafluke Active member

    Jul 17, 2004
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    I think there is some confusion so let me help. Softmod and TSOP flash (what uses the gamesave hack) are completely different. There are basically 3 types of mods:

    1)Modchip (an internal component that bypasses the onboard bios allowing you to alter your dashboard to a different one and allowing you to read burned discs too. Most common dashboards are Evox, Avalaunch, UnleashX, etc.)

    2)TSOP flash (soldering the write points on your motherboard and using an exploit, usually savegame exploit, to flash your onboard bios with a hacked one. This too will alow you to replace the hard drive with bigger one and load your favorite dashboard or read burned discs.)

    3)Softmod (installing an exploit, usually FONT exploit on the hard drive that loads when the system boots allowing unsigned code to be present, thereby also allowing your own dashboard loaded and/or burned discs)
  16. cja100

    cja100 Guest

    ok so who has or hasnt got it working apart from the people that have already said and what setup are they using?
  17. JoeyG

    JoeyG Member

    Nov 10, 2004
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    Ok to start i use mod 1
    1)Modchip (an internal component that bypasses the onboard bios allowing you to alter your dashboard to a different one and allowing you to read burned discs too. Most common dashboards are Evox, Avalaunch, UnleashX, etc.)

    I use multiple dashes and have gotten the game to work from HD and Disc with Thc lite,Avalaunch,and Xbmc. But no matter what i do Evox will freeze up every time no matter if its on the HD or a Disc it can't play it.

    My guess is that microsoft just picked the most used dash and blocked it some how.
  18. JoeyG

    JoeyG Member

    Nov 10, 2004
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    Ok well i just figured out how to get Halo 2 to work with evox atleast on my xbox if you go into your system settings and go all the way down to [bold]TSR[/bold], Set
    TSR to Normal.
    If its set to anything else it wont work.

    Good Luck All
  19. yanos

    yanos Member

    Nov 10, 2004
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    I have the same probleme, I recorded halo 2 on my hd with DVD2Xbox and when I launch the game the screen turn black and nothing. And I check your TSR and I don't find it..
    please help me
  20. JoeyG

    JoeyG Member

    Nov 10, 2004
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    Well the [bold]TSR[/bold] should be exactly were I said it was, if u cant find it you can also ftp to your xbox and edit the [bold]EVOX.INI[/bold].
    In The ini around the top of it should be these to settings.
    Set them exactly like they are just below then upload your evox.ini and reboot.
    After all of that the game should run like normal now.

    DebugTSR = No
    TSR_Type = 1


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