Halo 2 wont boot!!!!!!

Discussion in 'Xbox - Backup discussion' started by xbcgamer, Oct 28, 2004.

  1. xbcgamer

    xbcgamer Member

    Oct 26, 2004
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    Hey I have a problem ok I have done the patch and now the iso says halo2_dvd5 iso 4.3 gb. Now I burn it using nero image burn at 4x it finished perfectly but when I insert the disc in my xbox it reads but gives me a dirty disk error so then I went to my dvd2xbox app and burned it on my xbox but it only get to 22% and says burn process fail. Can anyone tell me what i did wrong I do not no anybout this password so i ignored it should i done that and if i do have the password how do i activate it thanks I know someone else has probally already posted something like this but i need someone to answer my question and again thanks.
  2. scottas

    scottas Guest

    piracy answers usually don't get answered. Try again after the official release.

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