Halo Failed to load maps

Discussion in 'Xbox - Backup discussion' started by RiCk2SiCk, Jul 1, 2007.

  1. RiCk2SiCk

    RiCk2SiCk Guest

    i fail to load every map on killtrocity map pack my regular disk and my burned disk why is this i put it in my frins box and they work perfect why is it messed up plz assist
  2. cakes227

    cakes227 Guest

    the disk doesnt affect the map packs, thats why it works on your friends, if you have xbl deleet and re download the map pack
  3. RiCk2SiCk

    RiCk2SiCk Guest

    no not just killtocity i mean my store bought halo disk and everything no matter what kind of halo i have it always says failed to load
  4. cakes227

    cakes227 Guest

    oh well then there is probrably something wrong with your disk srive, try cleaning or replacing it.
  5. RiCk2SiCk

    RiCk2SiCk Guest

    it plays all other games fine
  6. cakes227

    cakes227 Guest

    hmm well thats wierd idk what the problem would be.
  7. kyle00

    kyle00 Member

    Jun 5, 2006
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    if you clear the cache which is in the E partition and the x y z partitions it might work for ya....and if not then the serenity autopatcher didn't resign your killtrocity maps....i'm having the same problem...i had killtrocity on my box b4...BUT now that i have media center i can't get to my x, y, and z partitions and i now have a q partition which is xbox media center. So idk what MY problem with it is....it resigned them all...at least it said it did

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