Hey, i have halo 2 on my pc, and its 2 big to put on a single dvd. I dont have my xbox connected to my pc, is there any way i can change the size so it will fit? Wich program should i use 2 delete the Live Files? Please help, i only have the .iso file no other files:S:S
just delete the updatedash.xbe, update.xbe and the downloader.xbe. it will then fit on a single dvd. if you have downloaded this iso from the net u can get a file that deletes all the stuff you dont need automatically.
ftp the files from the xbox using flash fxp then delete the 3 files (downloader.xbe,dashupdate.xbe and update,xbe) then use a program called qwix to make the xbox iso then burn the image useing nero. you mush have a dvd burner of course
well connect it over LAN (if you use msn messenger my addy is spank_the_monkey_111@hotmail.com add me and ill tell you how.