halo2 modding

Discussion in 'Xbox - Backup discussion' started by modder1, Oct 9, 2005.

  1. modder1

    modder1 Member

    Sep 14, 2005
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    here i am being a nice person so ill give u people some tutorials ill post one on right here so heres the splintercell tutorial

    _-+Guide To Softmodding+-_

    Things Needed:
    Action Replay (Its 30$ at bestbuy)
    Splinter Cell (First Edition, NON-Platnium Series) OR, 007: Rogue Agent or Mechassault
    Action Replay Saves ( #xbins, under exploits )
    the .map files you want to mod (found on your xbox harddrive)
    NOTE: You Need ALL of these things

    0) get everything listed above
    1) Open your fancy Action Replay Program
    2) Download the Linux Saves for your game (can be found on #xbins under exploits just make sure you get the matching save for your game)
    3) Transfer your Action Replay Saves to your Action Replay Device...
    How To Do This

    • open up the folder containing your save files
      open the action replay program
      plug in your memory card into the action replay device
      click and drag the save files onto the action replay memory card ( to do this you just need to drag the file from the folder onto the action replay program, on the side where it says memory card, if your action replay program is minimized while your draging just hold your cursor over the program on the start menu and it will re-appear)
      wait for it to finish and then go transfer the files to the xbox harddrive
      you'll have to repeat this for both files, if you only transfer one, the exploit will NOT work
    4) run the game that your using the exploits on
    5) load up the linux save and it will bring you to a evox menu
    6) go into the System Utils on the evox menu and then go to system settings
    7) inside it will say your xbox's ip address, you might want to write it down if you dont have a good memory
    8 ) go back to your computer and load up flashfxp ( www.flashfxp.com )
    9) at the top you'll see a lightning bolt, click it and in the URL field type in your xbox's ip address, then type in Xbox as the username and Xbox as the password and hit connect
    10) a bunch of folders will pop up C D E F X Y Z
    Click on E
    Then TDATA
    Then 4d530064
    Then $c
    Then 4d53006400000001 (or 4d53006400000002 or 4d53006400000003 depending on what maps your modding)
    Then you'll see your .map files, transfer the ones you want to mod to your computer (just click and drag to the left of the screen)
    11) once you have the .map files on your computer, fire up your ppf-o-matic (its under the downloads-other section of a4h.us, while your there click on halo 2 and get the right .ppf file for your map)
    12) open up ppf-o-matic and you'll see to fields on saying ISO file and one saying patch, click on the disk to the right of ISO file, a browser will pop up and at the bottom it will say Cd Images, click that and switch it to "all files" then go about browsing for the .map file
    13) once you have the .map in the top field you can go to the patch one, click the disk and look for where you saved the .ppf file
    14) now that both are in there places click apply, some goofy message will pop up saying that you can now burn the image to disk, disreguard that.
    15) now open back up flashfxp if its not already opened and reconnect to your xbox and go back to the folder described in step 10
    16) once your there, in the left side of the program window browse for your patched .map file (it will be in the same spot as when you transfered it from your xbox in step 10) drag that file over to the right side of the program window (the xbox part) and it will ask you to overwrite, click overwrite and it will begin to transfer your patched/modded .map file to your xbox :)
    17) close your flashfxp program and reboot your xbox and enjoy playing your modded map off of xbox live since, thats what you agree'd too :)

  2. akspud93

    akspud93 Regular member

    Sep 5, 2005
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    You forgot to mention one thing but over all it is great. Yes you need PPFomatice but u also need a map resigner to encrypt all of the maps so that u do not get a "failed to load the map" error message.
  3. bunkerboi

    bunkerboi Guest

    i did every thing on the tutorial and when i went to mod up it said
    "failed to load the map" can i just download the maps again?
    or am i oops'd
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 10, 2006
  4. modder1

    modder1 Member

    Sep 14, 2005
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    bunker your not oops'd.. just im me on aim or xbox live... my name on aim is username20269 and my gamertag on XBL is SSK OVERLORD
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2006
  5. bunkerboi

    bunkerboi Guest

    send me friend request.theirs my tag
  6. novacanc

    novacanc Member

    Nov 3, 2005
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    ok modder 1 dude i need ur help real bad man please my gamertag on xlb is
    burnt frozen
    or my other 1
    a white k0ng
    please send me a friend request so u can help me if u will please
    or bunker if ukno how now
  7. bunkerboi

    bunkerboi Guest

    hey guys i learned how to bridge someone host!! it was really a simple mistake went i play halo on live i have a modem that i can stand by with but this is wat happened. my modem was next to this door and it pushed up aginstant it enoghf that it made the stand by button pushed in while the gave was configuring and i got host. so i tried it again and it worked every time! its so cool because now im a "43" in skrimish because i give myself host and stand by. its cool!
  8. bunkerboi

    bunkerboi Guest

    now i just need MODDER1 to help me with the hole modding thing
  9. novacanc

    novacanc Member

    Nov 3, 2005
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    hey ssk sry about bothering u on xbl so much but i am in a kinda rush cause its not my computer i am using so i am not allowed on it as much please be my friend again on xbl accept the request and help me please sry 4 buggin u i wont again but please help man please ur the only 1 so far that has even helped me a lil bit
  10. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    bunkerboi / modder1

    let's keep the language clean pls
  11. bunkerboi

    bunkerboi Guest

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