Discussion in 'Safety valve' started by gerry1, Nov 23, 2006.

  1. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    Well, just wanted to wish everyone a happy thanksgiving. For our friends from other countries, it started like this: the US's british ancesors were delivering yet another boatload of religious fanatics who were a little to "out there" for the brits to tolerate. Now, the brits were the greatest sailors in the world at the time and had already delivered several boatloads of the fanatics to the US southern states. It is this author of fractured history's belief that this boatload was even too crazy for others so they conspired to have them dropped off 1,500 miles north where the cold would kill them all.

    With the help of the unchristian and therefore savage savages,the cold only killed three quaters of them as they taught them how to farm in region, how to hunt, make clothes for the weather etc. In gratitude, the remaining quater of the fanatically religious crazies cooked this huge turkey feast for our feathered friends (not the birds, but the indians) before cooking the indians themselves. The locals were unaware that this was merely a religious "last supper" of a different order because they went on to slaughter their teachers, the crazies bred more crazies like crazy, burnt witches for a couple of centuries until forced to accept less crazy crazies from the brits and become something of a normal society again. The end.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 23, 2006
  2. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    happy turkey day to one and all



    Last edited: Nov 23, 2006
  3. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    LMAO! How does that old expression go...a bird in the bush...something. You know, those expressions where perhaps the most difficult thing to understand when I first learnt to speak english...that and the weird use of the verb "to be". Every now and again, I still hear an expression that will throw me. A couple of years ago, a woman at work had an embarrassing experience and said she had "egg on her face". I still can't figure out the sense of it LOL!

    Hey Ireland....dollar store shopping really paid off today! I'm going to combine four Swanson Turkey, stuffing, peas and potatos dinners and a jar of cranberry and have a feast for $5.00! I just went to visit the family a couple of weeks ago in New England and wasn't in the mood to go back. I bought a small turkey but not in the mood to cook it. I think I'll boil the ol boy and make some soup when the urge strikes!
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 23, 2006
  4. pepsimaxx

    pepsimaxx Regular member

    Jan 9, 2006
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    haha, my thanks giving was a while ago :D Youve gotta love Canada :p
  5. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    LOL! Yeah, I was raised in Quebec. The frenchies didn't slughter the indians there but rather got along quite nicely which is why we all have dark hair and high cheek bones and, with french noses piled on top of Indian noses, our's could double as landing strips LOL!
  6. evilh0ly

    evilh0ly Regular member

    Jun 23, 2005
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    hey, happy thanksgiving to all, well I went to NYC today for the Macy parade, then i went to Chinatown. It was day full of events, now I'm tired and eating turkey. Plus thank god the traffic wasn't that bad.

    anyway happy thanksgiving
  7. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    New York is only about an hour and a half from Philly...I hope you had better weather than we did. I know they have a problem with all those helium critters in that kind of wind. Glad you enjoyed yourself. Philly has a sizable chinatown but no where near the size of new york's but still, I have to walk right through on my way to and from work so you might say I'm tired of eating chinese LOL!

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